Okay, so if we want to fix the gut we need to start at the beginning. Let’s talk about acid reflux. Most people don’t understand the reason why you have acid reflux. The main reason is you don’t have enough acid in your stomach, not the other way around. One of the highest selling over the counter drugs is for acid reflux.
For the stomach to work properly the acid, hydrochloric acid, is supposed to be a pH of 3.0. For our bodies to produce enough stomach acid at the right pH takes a lot of energy. So if we’re suffering from a chronic illness, if our bodies are toxic and we’re sleep-deprived we cannot make enough energy to produce the stomach acid amount at the right pH to do its job properly.
How can the body heal if the medications that we are taking for GERD and indigestion stop our digestive process from working?
Low stomach acid creates problems with bacterial overgrowth and issues in the small intestines. The pancreas and gallbladder are unable to release their digestive juices. Normally, the pancreas releases bicarbonate to help increase the pH in the small intestines that aids in digestion. So when there’s not enough stomach acid, the pancreas and gallbladder don’t release its digestive juices. That’s why people with irritable bowel syndrome and other intestinal issues have a very low enzyme called elastase. Elastase breaks down protein.
With that said, there are a lot of issues that can arise from not enough stomach acid. Furthermore, to make matters worse, when there’s not enough stomach acid, digestion slows down. Leaky gut and poor digestion could be an outcome. YIKES!
We also need an acidic environment for the breakdown and absorption of our nutrients like folate acid, B 12 vitamins, choline, and betaine. Without significant acid, in our stomachs, we cannot absorb calcium and other minerals which can lead to bone loss over time. When we take those drugs to reduce the acid we see B12 deficiencies, over time that can lead to neurological degeneration, anemia, and even death. This is not good.
So, in conclusion, these acid-blocking drugs are detrimental to our health it causes malnutrition, osteoporosis, and chronic gut infections. By taking different kinds of antacids, prescription, and over-the-counter medications, you will see deficiencies in iron, B12, minerals, vitamin D, zinc, folate, magnesium, calcium, and protein. How can the body heal if the medications that we are taking for GERD and indigestion stop our digestive process from working?
There are supplements that can help heal and support the stomach in the healing process. You can even make dietary changes and reduce stress which will also help the stomach.